Legal information

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Company information

Company name: EPEAK RIDE
Registered office: 811 Route des Goyets, La Roche 73640 VILLAROGER
Phone number: + 33 4 51 22 02 77

SIRET: 979 912 979 00015

Main activities

Rental and leasing of leisure and sports goods.


2 rue Kellermann
BP 80157
59100 Roubaix

Information technology and civil liberties

In general, you can visit our site on the Internet without having to identify yourself or provide any personal information about yourself. However, we may ask you for information when placing an order.

In this case, the information collected will be processed for the purpose of preparing orders. The recipient of the data is EPEAK RIDE.

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, amended in 2004, you have the right to access and rectify information concerning you, which you may exercise by contacting EPEAK RIDE or by filling in the contact form.


The EPEAK RIDE company is the owner of the entire copyright on the content of the site and its brands, logos, domain names and all related distinctive signs are considered to be intellectual works over which the EPEAK RIDE company holds all intellectual and commercial property rights.
In accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code and international treaties and agreements, any reproduction, disclosure, distribution, representation, translation, broadcasting, modification, transcription, whether partial or total, whatever the medium and whatever the process used, for any use other than private, is forbidden without the prior and express authorisation of the company EPEAK RIDE.
Any infringement of the provisions of this article constitutes an offence of counterfeiting and as such engages the civil and criminal liability of its author. Law no. 98-536 of 1 July 1998 relating to databases does not grant any exception for private copying.

Photo credits: Elan Skis, Alex Pedatte, Tristan Gras